The Metabolising Analogue Michaela Davidová
11 December 2024 –16 February 2025
If technology, in its broadest ramification, represents both the necessity and impossibility of a “living on” – from individual, to species, to general ecology – beyond what Buckminster Fuller famously evoked as the mission of “Spaceship Earth,” is the task of art to represent the possibility of a post-future of the post-human?
Louis Armand, Ph.D. Writer, visual artist and critical theorist born in Sidney, Australia. He is director of the Centre for Critical and Cultural Theory at Charles University in Prague.
Pokud technologie a její dopady v nejširším slova smyslu představují jak nezbytnost k životu, tak i jeho nemožnost – od jednotlivců přes živočišné a rostlinné druhy až po ekologii jako takovou, v duchu poslání „Země jako kosmické lodi“ Buckminstera Fullera, je úkolem umění prezentovat možnost post-budoucnosti a post-humanity?
Louis Armand, Ph.D. je spisovatel, vizuální umělec a teoretik, narozen v Sydney, žije a pracuje v Praze. Působí jako ředitel Centra kritické a kulturní teorie na Karlově univerzitě v Praze.
Projekt Datatata and its development. Discussion. Looking forward to your remarks.
Projekt Datatata and its development. Discussion. Looking forward to your remarks.
Rock is Ridiculous: The Queer Underground in 1970s Music Culture
We cordially invite you to a presentation by Gavin Butt, which reveals the underground origins of pop personas, offering insights into LGBTQ+ creativity's role in reshaping mainstream culture.
Rock is Ridiculous: The Queer Underground in 1970s Music Culture
Srdečně zveme na prezentaci Gavina Butta, která odhaluje undergroundový původ popových osobností a nabízí pohled na roli LGBTQ+ kreativity při přetváření mainstreamové kultury.
In the talk for Vasulka Kitchen Brno, Margrét Elísabet Ólafsdóttir will focus on the work and carrier of Steina with an emphasis on her relationship to the Icelandic art scene.
Free entry, the talk with be in English. The event is held on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of The Kitchen in New York.
We are preparing a lecture by Robert Horvitz, an American theorist living in Prague. More information soon.